
“It is done.”Spoke the assassin, dropping the bloodied helmet of a, now former, shipmaster on the illuminated table top with a wet and heavy thud, much to the other Sangheili’s dismay. His attention shifting from a half empty bottle to the helmet and short after, up to her. No comment regarding this action had been made between the two Sangheili. No time for a response had been permitted by the Ghost of Sanghelios, staring on at her client. He’d been missing an arm, could barely even walk from what she could recall the last they met. She’d assume due to an injury in battle. His combat days had likely met an early end as the condition he’d been in was what might have been preventing him from fighting this battle, himself. She’d assume a grudge. Maybe the target was who did this to him. However… This was all simply speculation in silence. This matter was not any of her business. It wasn’t her place to comment on it as the only thing the Ghost desired at the moment was money.“I will be requiring the rest of my payment.” She’d push, staring her client down.“As promised.” He started, his voice stammering for a moment as his emerald eyes diverted from the filthy helmet. It seemed she left no room for failure. This was proof enough to confirm that the job was done. “Here. This is the remainder of your pay. You can go.”Quietly, the Ghost rose her right arm, tapping at the little screen on her wrist guard with her left hand as multiple hard light screens had appeared before her. One of which opened to a display of notifications. Although written in Sangheili, the interface showed a string of notifications of the Gekz that were last transferred to her. When and where, but the transactions were marked as anonymous.A new notification popping up on this small blue interface, showing the remainder of what was due had been sent to her. And with little extra to boost, it seemed. Mistake or intentional, it was her’s now. As her arms had calmly fallen back down to her sides, the light interfaces vanished, fading to nothing. Her attention fell back to the client before her with a respectful bow of her head his way.“Many thanks.”And thus; she’d turn to walk away. Soon to simply vanish. Eventually exiting the premises with her invisibility cloak turned on, leaving her client staring at the empty spot the ghost previously stood for a moment before that attention shifted to the bloody helmet.

Home at last.Or, what she considers home for the time being… Aboard the Spectre’s Malice, she’d enter her personal quarters just beyond the med-bay. Her arms rose, hands eventually grasping at the back of her helmet as her fingers curled underneath the second crest and pulling up like a lever as it clicked up into place. The lighting of her visor slowly fading to black at the power from the two pieces had been cut from this action. From there, she’d begun to slide the helmet portion off of her head. Her pale flesh revealed to the light and solitude of her private quarters. A mask with her visor having been left behind as she set the top portion aside upon a table top near by. Her mask followed shortly after, having undone the clasps that tightly held it in place.Her mandibles parted somewhat as the female sighed heavily. The soft blue light of her room dusting her pure white features and violet shine of her armor. Fatigued after such a long contracted mission, she saw no desire to remove the rest of her armor quiet yet before slowly traveling toward her bedding set up. It had not taken her long to drop herself down upon the top of its semi-soft surface with a gentle bounce as she sat down upon it’s edge. Her form slouched as she remained seated there for a moment, her head hung low, face looking toward the floor and her forearms holding her form up from her armored thighs and knees. She’d given herself a moment of peace and solace.During this time of quiet, Reis had only found her mind beginning to wander within its own deposits of memory. Many of them shifting back in time.Eventually, the Sangheili woman had forced herself to sit up as she started to remove the wrist guards she wore. An attempt to distract herself from the shadows of her own mind. The neon blue lights of the armor simultaneously dimming to black as power was cut the moment the clasps were undone with another click. With the wrist guard, her gloves had been removed as well. All of which were set aside on another small table top; that of which resembled a night stand.The sight of her translucent skin, the violet hue of her blood seeped through the surface of her skin in some areas, some spots darker than others. A sight that had reminded the Sangheili woman of the manor of which her own people treated her back home. From common teasing and ruthless bullying from the younger years of her life to the endless physical threats placed upon her life by those who saw her as weak, pathetic and pointless. A liability that should be removed to many. Many attempts at her life had been made. None successful. Some had came close. Those of which leaving marks across her battle worn body.A simple shake of her head and a tired grumble pursued as Reis attempted to physically shake the thought of her past away. Prevent her mind from revisiting a time she didn’t have any desire to relive. All for a set of genetics she’d had no control over. A set of genetics she hated herself for.The assassin had continued to remove more of her armor, shifting to her shoulder guards and eventually her chest pieces. Once again, the lights on the armor dimming down to black as the power had been cut from them. With time, her waist, legs and feet were also free of armor. The bits and pieces of it had been strewn about the floor, lazily tossed aside without too much of a care where they went. Zekka would have had a field-day chewing her ass out if she were to witness this little display. She didn’t particularly see a point in changing out of her tech suit, opting to instead toss herself down, laying back upon her bedding. Her arms out and open like a starfish, legs dangling from the side of the bed. She saw no need to move as her violet eyes stared at the ceiling for some time before she’d slowly allow her eyes shut. She’d been too tired to move.Was this what her life was meant to be?Was this the right path for her?Was this… Really it?Many questions rang within the confines of her skull. Leaving her mind to question her life as she awaited the inevitable slumber she desired so desperately. Who she is. Why she does what she does… Could things really have been different for her had she decided to follow another path? One that didn’t involve falsely flagging herself as KIA within the destruction of Glyke by fleeing the scene without so much of a word from her.This life ‘Trkot had made for herself… She’d felt trapped within it.Completely……Alone.Even amidst a crew she’s managed to find herself. Though, she wasn’t sure if the care she held for them was ever to be reciprocated.There was no way out of the hole Reis had dug herself into. A false KIA. Mercenary. Spartan Killer. A fugitive amongst many planets. Criminal of her own people, hailed as a methodical and feared murderer. She had further distanced herself from her fellow Sangheili as a result. Further from a quiet Keep-life she’d silently sought after for quite a long time…That was nothing short of dream now. One of which she’d come to know would never be a reality.Eventually, the Sangheili assassin had begun to fall into some semblance of slumber. Her mind slowly falling silent as she’d drift off, laying half way upon her bedding.She’d silently wished she could live amongst her people again.To live without fear and isolation.